I have some very exciting news!! Well, to you this might be less exciting than it is to me, but still.. exciting!! Cheeky Pea now has a ticket-based support system!
What does this mean?
It means MUCH faster, more organised service for you!!
I will be the first one to admit I am a total scatterbrain. My accountant weeps when I walk in the door and our brave manager Valena puts up with things no person should ever have to in the face of my disorganisation.
The ticket system means your help request or inquiry cannot get lost in the black hole that is my notecard folder. Multiple inquiries to both Valena and I simply cause confusion, most things can be handled by either of us and whoever can do it first can get to it as soon as we are able. In all ways this will be a major improvement for you guys. It will introduce accountability to our responses, something in the end that will completely benefit you – our loyal customers.
This will also be the place to capture all blogger requests, store requests, and information.
I apologise profusely if I’ve lost your inquiry over time. I’m only human, only one person, and not a very organised one at that. This will bring accountability and single-location help for you!
I hope you’re as excited as we are about this. And please – submit your tickets on our Support Portal!