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Tippi Bedroom Set

Posted on Feb 25, 2018 by in Bedroom | 0 comments


• :CP: Tippi Bed – 22 LI
• :CP: Tippi Frames – 1 LI
• :CP: Tippi Book Decor – 1 LI
• :CP: Tippi Chair – 5 LI
• :CP: Tippi Chest of Drawers – 1 LI
• :CP: Tippi Closed Shelf – 1 LI
• :CP: Tippi Desk Spotlight – 2 LI
• :CP: Tippi Floor Lamp – 3 LI
• :CP: Tippi Flowers – 6 LI
• :CP: Tippi Open Shelf – 1 LI
• :CP: Tippi Pendant Light Patterned – 3 LI
• :CP: Tippi Pendant Light Solid – 3 LI
• :CP: Tippi Rug – 1 LI
• :CP: Tippi Sidetable

• :CP: Tippi Bed – 21 single animations, 28 Couple animations, and 25 adult animations,, 8 threesome (incl 2 synchronized set) in adult version only.
• :CP: Tippi Chair – 23 single animations, 5 Couples animations, 13 lap dance (including synchronized set) and 13 adult animations (incl 2 synchronized sets) in adult version only

• :CP: Tippi Desk Spotlight – on/off on touch
• :CP: Tippi Floor Lamp – on/off on touch
• :CP: Tippi Pendant Light Patterned – on/off on touch
• :CP: Tippi Pendant Light Solid – on/off on touch


You can find it in world here: SLURL