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Poetry Autumn Bench Mini Set

Posted on Oct 7, 2016 by in Outdoor, Uncategorized |



• :CP: Poetry Autumn Bench – 3 LI
• :CP: Poetry Wooden Pumpkin Blocks – 1 LI
• :CP: Poetry Pinecone Lights – 3 LI

(LI listed as boxed refers to product size as given. If you enlarge or decrease the size of these items the prim count may vary based on SL land impact calculations. Does not include rezzing props or items available through rezzable decor.)

• :CP: Poetry Autumn Bench – 23 Single animations for up to 2 avatars (on 2 separate menus – hit swap to get additional options), 19 couple cuddle animations, 25 Adult animations w/3 syncs (in adult version only)

• :CP: Poetry Autumn Bench – 4 pillow texture options available by clicking the bench from standing or by touching the texture button whilst seated.


See it on the Marketplace:
:CP: Poetry Autumn Bench MiniSet (PG)
:CP: Poetry Autumn Bench MiniSet (Adult)
:CP: Poetry Autumn Bench (PG)
:CP: Poetry Autumn Bench (Adult)
:CP: Poetry Wooden Pumpkin Blocks
:CP: Poetry Pinecone Lights