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Lanai Wicker Set Cloud

Posted on Jul 25, 2016 by in Living room, Uncategorized |

wickersnowad copy


• :CP: Lanai Wicker Chair Cloud Vibrant or Soft – 3 LI
• :CP: Lanai Large Mirror Cloud – 3 LI
• :CP: Lanai Hanging Candle Jar and sitting jar – 3 and 2 LI each respectively
• :CP: Lanai Milk Can – 1 LI

(as boxed refers to product size as given. If you enlarge or decrease the size of these items the prim count may vary based on SL land impact calculations)


• :CP: Lanai Wicker Chair Cloud Vibrant or Soft – 23 Single animations for up to 2 avatars (on 2 separate menus – hit swap to get additional options), 19 couple cuddle animations, 19 Adult animations w/2 syncs (in adult version only)


• :CP: Lanai Wicker Chair Cloud Soft – 23 Single animations, 4 couples animations


See it on the Marketplace:
:CP: Lanai Wicker Set Cloud (Adult)
:CP: Lanai Wicker Set Cloud (PG)
:CP: Lanai Wicker Chair Cloud Vibrant (Adult)
:CP: Lanai Wicker Chair Cloud Vibrant (PG)
:CP: Lanai Wicker Chair Cloud Soft (Adult)
:CP: Lanai Wicker Chair Cloud Soft (PG)
:CP: Lanai Large Mirror Cloud
:CP: Lanai Milk Can
:CP: Lanai Candle Jars

See it in World: