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Kissing Chair Set

Posted on Feb 9, 2018 by in Seating, Uncategorized | 0 comments

• :CP: Heart Button Wall Art – 1 LI as boxed
• :CP: Hanging Hearts – 1 LI as boxed
• :CP: Love Marquee Lights – 2 LI as boxed
• :CP: Kissing Chair – 6 LI as boxed

(as boxed refers to product size as given. If you enlarge or decrease the size of these items the prim count may vary based on SL land impact calculations)

• 17 Single Animations, 10 Couples Animations, 23 adult animations (incl 2 sequence sets) – in adult version only
Self rezzing props, self attaching props all included.

The Chair has many texture options
• Blanket – 3 texture options, pillow – 4 texture options, seat – 3 texture options. All on blue HUD menu available by clicking the back of the item.

• :CP: Love Marquee Lights is on/off on touch


Find it in world here: SLURL