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:CP: Gale Cottage

Posted on Apr 26, 2016 by in Skybox, Uncategorized |

:CP: Gale Cottage - ALL

:CP: Gale Cottage - ALL

You are able to tint/retexture this item. To retexture simply drop the texture on the wall. This item is lined up to allow you to retexture each wall (and the bottom floor) on individually.


Find it on the Marketplace:
:CP: Gale Cottage – ALL
:CP: Gale Cottage – Storm
:CP: Gale Cottage – Sea
:CP: Gale Cottage – Brick
:CP: Gale Cottage – Sage
:CP: Gale Cottage – Olive
:CP: Gale Cottage – Harvest
:CP: Gale Cottage – Peacock
:CP: Gale Cottage – Navy


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