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:CP: Dream Wrought Iron Set

Posted on Apr 27, 2016 by in Dining, Outdoor, Uncategorized |



• :CP: Dream Wrought Iron Tea Chair – 4 LI
• :CP: Dream Wrought Iron Table with Parasol – 15 LI
• :CP: Dream Wrought Iron Table – 5 LI
• :CP: Dream Wrought Iron Parasol – 10 LI
• :CP: Dream Cake Stand – 1 LI
• :CP: Dream Place Setting – 5 LI
• :CP: Dream Plated Scones – 1 LI
• :CP: Dream Teacups (comes with both empty and full versions) – 1 LI ea
• :CP: Dream Cupcake – 1 LI
• :CP: Dream Sandwich – 1 LI
• :CP: Dream Cake Slice – 1 LI
• :CP: Dream Tea Tray – 3 LI
• :CP: Dream Tulip Teacup Vase – 4 LI
• :CP: Dream Plain Plates – 1 LI
• :CP: Dream Floating Lights – 2 LI

(LI listed as boxed refers to product size as given. If you enlarge or decrease the size of these items the prim count may vary based on SL land impact calculations. Does not include rezzing props or items available through rezzable decor.)

• :CP: Dream Wrought Iron Tea Chair – 23 Single animations, 4 couples animations, and 11 adult animations including 1 sequence in adult version

The table/parasol can be purchased separately or as one item combined. Both the combined and the separate items come in the full pack.

See in marketplace:

CP: Dream Wrought Iron Set (Adult)

:CP: Dream Wrought Iron Set (PG)

:CP: Dream Wrought Iron Parasol

:CP: Dream Wrought Iron Table

:CP: Dream Wrought Iron Table with Parasol

:CP: Dream Wrought Iron Tea Chair (Adult)

:CP: Dream Wrought Iron Tea Chair (PG)