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:CP: Direwolf

Posted on May 12, 2016 by in Chair, Uncategorized |

• :CP: Direwolf Chest Seat – 6 LI
• :CP: Direwolf Fan Metal Art – 1 LI

(LI listed as boxed refers to product size as given. If you enlarge or decrease the size of these items the prim count may vary based on SL land impact calculations. Does not include rezzing props or items available through rezzable decor.)

• PG Version: 18 Single Animations, 15 Couple Animations. Self rezzing and self attaching props included.
• The adult version contains 19 adult animations including 2 synchronised sets as well as the contents of the PG version.

• :CP: Direwolf Chest Seat – 6 cushion options and 5 head rest choices. Available via menu from standing or the Texture menu button whilst seated.

• :CP: Direwolf Chest Seat – Chest lid opens/closes on touch. Allows you to store things inside chest by rezzing and placing them in.

See in marketplace:

:CP: Direwolf Seat (Adult)

:CP: Direwolf Seat (PG)

:CP: Direwolf Fan Metal Art