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:CP: Dipper Bar Set

Posted on Apr 7, 2016 by in Dining, Outdoor, Uncategorized |

:CP: Dipper Bar Set (PG)

The Dipper Bar set. Includes Bar, Food, Hay Bale, Bobbing for Apple Barrel (you can actually bob for apples!), And door screen that you can drag and drop your own photos to.

Haystack, decorative crates, bar all 2 LI. Screen and bobbing barrel 3 LI, food all together 7 LI.

Haystack has 12 single anims, 5 couple anims, Includes caramel apple eating prop.

See it on the Marketplace:

:CP: Dipper Bar Apple Bobbing

:CP: Dipper Bar

:CP: Dipper Bar Food

:CP: Dipper Bar Haystack (Adult)

:CP: Dipper Bar Haystack (PG)

:CP: Dipper Bar Set (PG)
:CP: Dipper Bar Set (Adult)

See it in world: