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:CP: Cityscape Pictures & Picture Lights

Posted on Aug 18, 2016 by in Art, Uncategorized |





• :CP: Cityscape Pictures – 1 LI


• :CP: Cityscape Picture Light – 2 LI each

(LI listed as boxed refers to product size as given. If you enlarge or decrease the size of these items the prim count may vary based on SL land impact calculations. Does not include rezzing props or items available through rezzable decor.




• :CP: Cityscape Pictures – Each frame has 4 frame texture options, 2 backing texture options, and the option to see the cityscape in either colour or black and white.

20 cities available



• :CP: Cityscape Picture Light – on/off on touch. Turn on advanced lighting in preferences to see downlighter.

See in marketplace:

:CP: Cityscape Picture – London

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Paris

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Chicago

:CP: Cityscape Picture – New York

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Rome

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Berlin

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Venice

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Singapore

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Kiev

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Barcelona

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Prague

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Amsterdam

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Dubai

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Tokyo

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Seattle

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Sydney

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Kuala Lumpur

:CP: Cityscape Picture – Rio de Janeiro

:CP: Cityscape Picture Light – Dark

:CP: Cityscape Picture Light – Silver