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CP: Carly Triple Bunk

Posted on May 11, 2016 by in Bedroom, Uncategorized |

20193599201_2b6278cca7_z (1)

• :CP: Carly Triple Bunk Country Garden – 20 LI
• :CP: Carly Triple Bunk Space Ranger – 20 LI
• :CP: Birdcage Lightstring – 3 LI
• :CP: Hanging Plastic Stars – Tintable – 1 LI
• :CP: Polaroid Lights – 3 LI
• :CP: Carly Polka Dot Rug – 1 LI

(LI listed as boxed refers to product size as given. If you enlarge or decrease the size of these items the prim count may vary based on SL land impact calculations. Does not include rezzing props or items available through rezzable decor.)

• :CP: Carly Triple Bunk Country Garden or :CP: Carly Triple Bunk Space Ranger – 77 Single Animations for up to 4 avatars at once. Also includes 2 size versions – one for ToddleeDoo and one for SL child size avatars (or shorter adults)
Please note that you must click on the MATTRESS of the bunk you would like to sit on. (The white part)

• :CP: Carly Triple Bunk available separately in Country Garden or Space Ranger

• :CP: Polaroid Lights – on/off on touch
• :CP: Birdcage Lightstring – on/off on touch

• :CP: Carly Triple Bunk – bottom drawer opens to reveal 3rd bed bunk that allows 3 avatars to sit at once. A fourth avatar can also sit on the ladder.
• :CP: Carly Triple Bunk – blankets appear/disappear on sit.

See in market place:

:CP: Carly Triple Bunk Country Garden Set

:CP: Carly Triple Bunk Space Ranger Set

:CP: Carly Triple Bunk Country Garden

:CP: Carly Polka Dot Rug

:CP: Carly Triple Bunk Space Ranger

See in world: